Strategic Conversations

Independent Advocacy SA Inc (IA) is an advocacy organisation that specialises in working with individuals who are most at risk of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation. We advocate for individuals with an intellectual disability, and those labeled or treated as having an intellectual disability in response to extreme marginalisation and complexity.
From time to time, in situations where we do not take up a referral, IA may offer a Strategic Conversation. This is an opportunity for the person and/or allies, family members or services to draw on the experience of advocacy to explore the concerns affecting the marginalised person and to offer ideas and suggestions which may assist in resolving, or progressing an issue. This is most appropriate where the person has capacity and/or a strong ally to follow up on suggested strategies.
What initially presents as a single, isolated issue at the point of entry frequently extends into a complexity of issues due to the ongoing marginalisation that people with intellectual disability often experience in their lives. Thus, rarely do we respond with single solutions to single issues. We aim to respond with an approach, which is comprehensive, assesses and addresses the complex issues in the individual's life and encompasses the broadest context.
We do not have a waiting list and strive to respond in some way to each referral and contact received. This may be through conversation, providing information and contact details of other organisations or relevant services that may be able to assist, or referral to another advocacy organisation. It may also be by making direct first contact with an organisation or service on behalf of the marginalised person.